Social disorganization theory and human trafficking: a systemic control approach to the phenomenon

Despite the rapid increase in the research on human trafficking within the last decade (Laczko, 2005:6), there are considerable weaknesses in the current research and methodology (Kelly, 2005:238). Empirical research on human trafficking is in its early stages and existing research mostly estimates the scale of the problem; maps routes and countries of origin, transit, and destinations; or reviews legal frameworks and policy responses (Godhziak, 2005:103). As such, legal regulations and intervention policies based on such limited research and information may create unintended side effects (Salt, 2000:35) and put the trafficked persons in a vicious cycle of exploitation.

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Lansarea campaniei "Deschide ochii"

„Deschide ochii”!

Campanie nationala de prevenire a traficului de persoane in Romania
20 Mai 2011, Cluj-Napoca

Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie si Agentia Nationala impotriva Traficului de Persoane lanseaza campania nationala de prevenire a traficului de persoane, intitulata „Deschide ochii”, in Iulius Mall Cluj-Napoca, vineri 20 mai 2011 ora 18:00, printr-un eveniment in spatiul public, primul organizat in Romania in cadrul proiectului european „Open Your Eyes”.

Evenimentul are rol de a furniza tinerelor participante suport informational in ceea ce priveste riscurile unei decizii pripite asupra viitorului lor.

Tinerele participante vor discuta despre efectele deciziilor cotidiene, care le pot pune intr-o situatie de trafic, in absenta unei informari adecvate,. Paleta subiectelor abordate este larga si cuprinde aspecte legate de pericolul traficului de persoane, de educatie si sanatate, acceptarea unei oferte de munca, de studii sau calatorie, precum si cele mai adecvate alegeri ale produselor cosmetice, cu
indrumarea make-up artist Ozana Avadanei.

Parteneri in cadrul campaniei nationale de prevenire intitulata „Deschide ochii” sunt Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie si Agentia Nationala impotriva Traficului de Persoane (Romania), organizatia Nea Zoi (Grecia) si Love 146 (Anglia).
Campania nationala se desfasoara pe o perioada de 5 luni (mai 2011 – septembrie 2011) si va fi sustinuta de evenimente in spatiul public, in orasele Iasi, Calarasi si Cluj, dar si prin diseminarea de materiale informative si difuzarea unui spot audio.

Partenerii evenimentului: Iulius Mall Cluj , Radio Cluj, Fundatia Parinti Clujeni-

Social disorganization theory and human trafficking: a systemic control approach to the phenomenon

The problem of trafficking in women in Turkey provides a unique opportunity to clarify the connection between human trafficking and a decline in a nation's or a community's ability to regulate her residents' and visitors' behaviors to attain the common goal of living in an environment free from the threat of crime.

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Social disorganization theory and human trafficking: a systemic control approach to the phenomenon

The problem of trafficking in women in Turkey provides a unique oppor­tunity to clarify the connection between human trafficking and a decline in a nation's or a community's ability to regulate her residents' and visi­tors' behaviors to attain the common goal of living in an environment free from the threat of crime. There are several indicators of such decline in Turkey's ability to exert informal and formal social control to be men­tioned here. The crux of the following argument is that having exposed to increased national and international movement of goods and people espe­cially coming from eastern part of the country and from neighboring countries in the region, Turkish society has experienced remarkable changes in terms of its structural characteristics across the cities with the advent of global transitions across the world. These structural changes, in turn, are expected to account for the distribution of crime/victimization rates through their impact on existing mechanisms of formal and informal social controls and sustenance activities and related daily routines in the cities especially since early 1980s.

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Social disorganization theory and human trafficking: a systemic control approach to the phenomenon

Due to their shared focus on systemic control/guardianship (Bursik and Grasmick, 1993:87; Massey et al., 1989:385), to some extent, both social disorganization and routine activities theories consider the spatial distribution of crime and victimization as a function of broader structural changes, which could last over decades or even longer (Bursik, 1986:46; Cohen and Felson, 1979:592) and influence the neighborhood life and routines.

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