Campania "Fă o faptă bună!" premiază câştigătorii tombolei

În urma campaniei de strângere de fonduri cu premii "Fă o faptă bună!", elevii Kiss Tamas, Szabo Istvan, Alina Boldor, Manuel Ciortea şi Răzvan Maior au fost premiaţi luni, 17 mai 2010, de către Centrul Raţiu pentru Democraţie prin intermediul programului „Nu e de vânzare – Alege pentru binele tău”.
Campania "Fă o faptă bună!" s-a desfăşurat în perioada 15 aprilie - 14 mai în 4 unităţi şcolare din municipiul Turda: Liceul Teoretic ‘Josika Miklos’, Colegiul Tehnic ‘Emil Negruţiu’, Colegiul Naţional ‘Mihai Viteazul’ şi Colegiul Teoretic ‘Liviu Rebreanu’, suma colectată fiind de 190 RON.

Campania "Fa o fapta buna!" este recunoscuta online

In urma participarii la sesiunea de instruire „Why & How to Blog” din data de 20 mai organizata de Blogway, programului „Nu e de vanzare – Alege pentru binele tau” i-a fost oferita gazduire gratuita pe domeniu .ro (pe platforma WordPress) pentru blogul Fa o fapta buna!.
Blogway, serviciu de blog instant, isi propune sprijinirea dezvoltarii blogosferei romanesti prin crearea unei comunitati puternice pe care sa o promoveze online si offline.
Multumim Blogway!
Sustineti procesul de infiintare a unei asociatii care sa ofere servicii victimelor traficului de persoane pe

Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie in "Oraselul copiilor"

Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie a participat la Proiectul “Orăşelul copiilor” initiat de Inspectoratul de Politie al Judetului Cluj impreuna cu Asociatia Studenteasca AMICUS Cluj -Napoca, cu ocazia Zilei Internationale a Copilului.
Scopul proiectului este acela de a educa si orienta copiii pentru a intelege rolul lor in societatea europeana iar obiectivele propuse sunt acelea de a dezvolta constiinta sociala a copiilor, de a informa cu privire la rolul fiecarei institutii in stat, precum si de a incuraja tinerii sa se implice in actiuni de voluntariat.

Activitatea a avut loc in data de 30 mai 2010 in Parcul Mare din municipiul Cluj-Napoca, intre orele 11.30 si 19.00.
Fiecare institutie a avut un stand unde a prezentat rolul sau copiilor, intr-un mod atractiv pentru acestia, prin demonstratie sau oferire de servicii.
Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie a fost reprezentat prin programul “Nu e de vanzare – Alege pentru binele tau”. Printre activitatile organizate enumeram: panoul “Mesajul meu pentru o lume buna” in cadrul caruia fiecare participant  a scris sau desenat propriul mesaj pentru o lume buna, distribuirea a 200 de materiale promotionale destinate prevenirii traficului de persoane, 70 de brosuri “Whymper”, 100 de creioane “Fa o fapta buna”, 100 de mape.

Institutiile participante: Inspectoratul de Politie al Judetului Cluj, Primaria Cluj-Napoca, Inspectoratul General pentru Situatii de Urgenta Cluj, D.I.A.S. Cluj, Serviciul de Ambulanta Cluj, Inspectoratul Scolar Cluj, Aeroportul International Cluj-Napoca, Posta Romana Cluj, Biserica Ortodoxa din Cluj-Napoca, Teatrul National Cluj-Napoca, Muzeul de Arta Cluj-Napoca, Asociatia AMICUS Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Prevenire, Evaluare si Consiliere Antidrog Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Regional Cluj-Napoca al Agentiei Nationale impotriva Traficului de Persoane, Centrul Ratiu Pentru Democratie Turda si alte organizatii neguvernamentale din judetul Cluj.

Rutgers University & Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie colaboreaza.

In data de 31 mai 2010 14 studenti ai Universitatii Rutgers, New Jersey insotiti de prof. univ. Rebecca Davis au participat la masa rotunda “Drepturile omului si rolul organizatiilor neguvernamentale” organizata de Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie ca activitate in cadrul programului Summer Study Abroad 2010.
Evenimentul a favorizat comunicarea, schimbul de idei si de experiente in trei domenii: egalitatea de gen, traficul de persoane si activitatile organizatiilor neguvernamentale din Romania din perspectiva drepturilor omului.
In urma acestui eveniment, studentii au manifestat un real interes fata de subiectele abordate si s-au alaturat Centrului Ratiu pentru Democratie in lupta impotriva traficului de persoane sub forma unor actiuni de voluntariat sau de practica profesionala coordonata.
Kimberly Spirito , Eunji Kim si Matthew Hundemann sunt trei dintre studentii interesati de actiunile de mobilizare a comunitatii impotriva traficului de persoane.
Datorita bunei colaborari cu Liceul Josika Miklos din municipiul Turda, Kim si Eunji au moderat un grup de discutii pe tema traficului de persoane informand 20 de elevi despre modalitatile de scadere a riscului de victimizare in randul comunitatii in care traiesc.

"Do a good deed!" Campaign Awards

Monday, May 17th, 2010: following the "Do a good deed!" fundraising campaign which awards prizes for student participation, students Kiss Tamas, Szabo Istvan, Alina Boldor, Manuel Ciortea and Razvan Maior received prizes from Ratiu Center for Democracy through the „Not for sale-Choose for your own sake!” program. "Do a good deed!" campaign took place between the 15th of April and 14th of May in four schools in the town of Turda: The Josika Miklos Theoretical Highschool, the Emil Negrutiu Technical College, the Mihai Viteazul National College and the Liviu Rebreanu Theoretical College. Students who received prizes were chosen through a draw which occurred in the presence of a Commission made up of three members of the Ratiu Center for Democracy. The donated prizes awarded to the students included: giftcards for salon services at the Venus Turda salon, a hair curler, webcam, watch and ladies’ wallet.

Having the Campaign in schools drew students’ attention to the needs and problems of victims of human trafficking and offered them the opportunity to join the initiative of the Ratiu Center for Democracy in supporting these victims.

The fundraising campaign was initiated to support the creation of an association which would offer assistance to the victims of human trafficking. Exploited persons suffer from complex psychological traumas which makes reintegration into society difficult. The future association will enhance human trafficking victims’ chances to benefit from necessary social services. A total of 190 RON was raised.

The fundraiser for the association continues through the Do a Good Deed blog. On the website, crafts,jewelry,cosmetics and other objects may be donated and bid upon. The Do a Good Deed Campaign! is coordinated by the Ratiu Center for Democracy team in charge of the Not for Sale-Choose for Your Own Sake program, a program which aims to mobilize the community against human trafficking.

Do a good deed! Campaign recieves prize

Following participation at the „Why & How to Blog” training session organized by Blogway, the „Not for Sale-Choose for Your Own Sake” program received free hosting on the (Word Press platform) for the "Do a Good Deed!" blog .

Blogway, an instant blogging service, aims to support the development of the Romanian blogosphere through the creation of a strong community to be promoted online and offline. Thank you Blogway!

You can contribute to the establishment of an association in support of human trafficking victims by accesing the "Do a good deed!" blog.

Cu si pentru comunitatea din Campia Turzii

In data de 3 iunie 2010 Centrul Ratiu pentru Democratie in colaborare cu Centrul Regional Cluj Napoca al Agentiei Nationale Impotriva Traficului de Persoane (ANITP), Asociatia pentru Promovarea Incluziunii Sociale Campia Turzii, judetul Cluj si Colegiului Tehnic „Victor Ungurean” Campia Turzii a organizat o activitate cu caracter preventiv in comunitatea din Campia Turzii, judetul Cluj.

La activitate au participat 20 de tinere din municipiul Campia Turzii, un mediator scolar pentru comunitatea roma, un cadru didactic si psihologul scolii.

In cadrul activitatii au fost difuzate spoturi video si audio, s-au discutat aspecte legate de traficul de persoane (definitia si etapele traficului, aspecte preventive, tel.verde) si s-au difuzat fragmente din marturiile victimelor traficului de persoane din seria “Fiintele umane nu au pret”. Elevii au fost foarte receptivi, iar cadrele didactice ne-au propus desfasurarea de activitati similare in cursul anului scolar viitor.

Informarea si apelarea la institutiile abilitate pentru a cere un sfat profesionist ofera persoanelor siguranta si diminueaza riscurile de a deveni victime ale traficului de persoane.

CRD at "Children's Town"

May 30, 2010: in honor of International Children’s Day, Ratiu Center for Democracy participated in the „Children’s Town” project initiated by the Cluj County Police Inspectorate in collaboration with the AMICUS Cluj Napoca Student Association,. The purpose of this project is to educate children as to their place in a European society, develop their social awareness, inform them of the role of each institution in the state and encourage them to become involved in volunteering activities.

Each participating institution had its own stand where representatives explained their role to children in an attractive manner, through demonstrations or service offerings. The Ratiu Center for Democracy was represented through the “Not for Sale-Choose for your Own Sake” program. Among the activities were: the “Message for a better world” board, on which each participant wrote or drew their message for a better world, as well as the distribution of 200 flyers on the prevention of human trafficking, 70 “Whymper” books, 100 “Do a Good Deed” pencils and folders.

Participating institutions were: the Cluj County Police Inspectorate, Cluj Napoca City Hall, The Cluj County General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, D.I.A.S. Cluj, The Ambulance Service Cluj, Cluj County School Inspectorate, Romanian Post Cluj, Cluj Napoca Orthodox Church, Cluj Napoca National Theater, Cluj Napoca Art Museum, AMICUS Association Cluj Napoca. The Cluj Napoca Regional Center of the National Agency against Human Trafficking, The Prevention, Evaluation and Anti-Drug Counseling Center Cluj Napoca,. The Ratiu Center for Democracy Turda and other non-governmental organizations from Cluj county.

Rutgers University & Ratiu Center for Democracy - Preventing Human Trafficking

May 31st 2010: 14 students of Rutgers University (New Jersey) and prof. Rebecca Davis participated in a round-table discussion entitled “Human rights and the role of non-governmental organizations”.  The event was organized by Ratiu Center for Democracy for the Summer Study Abroad 2010 program. The event enabled an exchange of ideas and experiences in three fields: gender equality, human trafficking and the activity of non-governmental organizations in Romania in the field of human rights.   

Following the event, the students showed great interest towards the subjects discussed and joined the Ratiu Center for Democracy in the fight against human trafficking through volunteering activities and coordinated professional practice.  
Kimberly Spirito , Eunji Kim and Matthew Hundemann are three of the students interested in the activities to mobilize the community against human trafficking.
Due to the good collaboration with the Josika Miklos Highschool in Turda, Kim and Eunji moderated a discussion group on the topic of human trafficking, thus informing 20 students on the methods to decrease the risks of victimization in the communities where they live.

With and for the community in Campia Turzii

June 3rd, 2010: Ratiu Center for Democracy, in collaboration with the Cluj Napoca Regional Center of the National Agency Against Human Trafficking, the Association for the Promotion of Social Inclusion Campia Turzii and the Victor Ungureanu Technical College, organized a prevention activity in Campia Turzii, Cluj county. Twenty young women from Campia Turzii, a school mediator for the Roma community, a teacher and the school psychologist participated.
Throughout the activity audio and video spots were broadcast, aspects of human trafficking were discussed (definition and trafficking stages, prevention methods, toll-free numbers) and fragmets of trafficked victims’ testimonies from the „Human beings have no price” series were shown. The students were very interested and the teachers suggested that similar activities take place throughout the coming school year. Becoming informed and contacting the institutions in charge for advice, offers women security and diminishes the risk of becoming victims of human trafficking.

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